In the old town of Taranto, an industrial area of Puglia, Maria tries to help her drug addict brother Donato, threatened with death for an unpaid debt. She has only one option: to steal. As much as possible, as soon as possible.
- Gaia Girace, Claudio Segaluscio, Fabrizio Desideri & Michele Ferrigni
- Scénariste : Giacomo Abbruzzese
- Assistant opérateur : Diego Silvestri
- Montage : Giacomo Abbruzzese, Ariane Boukerche, Vivien Casamian & Isabelle Manquillet
- Scripte : Morgane Aubert-Bourbon
- Auteur de la musique : Feel Fly
- 3 prix & 9 sélections
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- CINEMED • Rome Independant Film Festival – RIFF • Festival Tous Courts – Aix-en-Provence • Côté Court – Pantin • Palm Springs International ShortFest • Festival du film de Contis • Svaneti International Film Festival
- Copro Dugong Films • Préachat Arte • Région des Pouilles • Le Fresnoy • Contribution Financière CNC